Nervous about potty training?

Don't know whether it's the right time to start?

Nursery school is starting but has a no-nappies requirement?

Tried unsuccessfully and meeting with resistance second time around?

Partially trained but only pooping in a pull-up?

Pull ups or 'big kid pants'?

Should you wake your child to go to the loo at night?


Secretive behaviour?

Lots of 'accidents'?

Toilet training your little one can feel like a bit of a minefield. One failed attempt can lead to trouble later on and every parent worries about potentially causing toileting complexes and anxiety in their little potty trainer. Developmental psychology and paediatric medicine teach us that there is very little point in attempting to hit this milestone until a child is physiologically and mentally ready. But how can you tell if they are? Or if what you are experiencing is normal?

For friendly, impartial and experienced advice, by phone, email, text or in person, contact Gentle Start here.

Details of pricing can be found here.