Step 1: Contact
Send me a text or an email, or give me a call to establish the nature of your issue and to find out how I can help. I can be reached between 8:30 am and 6:30pm
by telephone on 07787 993 156. or click here to email me.
Initial screening phone calls of twenty minutes or less are provided free of charge, as are initial text and email responses.
Step 2: Choice
Decide what kind of help you would like from the options below.
Step 3: Terms and Conditions
Please ensure that you have read the terms and conditions as detailed on this website. Once a booking has been made, the client is deemed to have accepted these terms and conditions. Please refer to the Ts & Cs section of this website.
Parent-Led refers to a package which offers advice, support and recommendations based on observation, with additional coaching where relevant. A specific plan is devised for your child or baby, and explained, but the implementation of the sleep training is then done by the parent. Each report is tailored specifically to your child, and longer home visits allow the consultant to help start the training and advise, before leaving parents to continue. For complex cases or older babies and children (6m+) home visits are usually recommended in preference to solely phone based consultation.
Consultant-Led options include observation, but the sleep training is implemented and undertaken by the consultant in the family's home. This is ideal for parents who are chronically sleep deprived and may be too tired to cope with the consistency and time that parent-led training requires. Consultant-Led training provides much faster results and allows the parents nights of solid sleep with plenty of recuperation, rest and relaxation time whilst the bulk of the work is done for them, allowing them to continue afterwards feeling refreshed and positive.
Package 1 - £195 - £275
Initial phone call (20-30mins)
Sleep diary for home completion
Information evaluation
1.5-2 hour telephone consultation
Report with key points, suggestions & sleeping plan unique to your child and family situation.
Recommendations on daily routine and schedule, feeding and settling based on developmental stage, individual personality and needs.
Package 1 without the summary report (parents/carers take their own notes during the call) is charged at £195. With report, the charge is £275.
If you would like an after-care support package with your call, this will be quoted separately depending on your perceived requirements, often priced starting at £20, or this can be done on an event by event basis (priced as below in ‘further support’).
PACKAGE 2 - £375
Initial phone call (20-30mins)
Sleep diary for home completion
Information evaluation
3.5 hour home visit and observation
Report on home visit with suggested routine/sleep techniques and bespoke sleeping plan.
Recommendations on daily routine and schedule, feeding and settling based on developmental stage, individual personality and needs.
Text support for 3 days (2 texts per day)
Email support for 3 days (1 short email per day)
Package 3 - £475
Initial phone call (20-30mins)
Sleep diary for home completion
Information evaluation
5 hour home visit - Coaching and observational visit- afternoon & bed-time or day-time and nap
Report on home visit with suggested routine/sleep techniques and bespoke sleeping plan
1 x 20 minute follow-up telephone support call available
Text support for 3 days (3 texts per day)
Email support for 3 days (1 short email per day)
An additional 2 hours are available to add to this package. The 8hr package is available at a cost of £495.
Package 4 - £1150
Initial phone call (up to 40 minutes)
Sleep diary for home completion
Information evaluation
29 hour home visit - Coaching, routine adjusting, observation visit including real-time analysis, support and coaching through the night.
Remaining through the day to assist with routine changes and implement strategies, then supporting and coaching through bedtime on day two.
Report on home visit with analysis, advice, suggested routine/sleep techniques and bespoke sleeping plan
Advice on possible future behaviours, patterns and routines.
1 x 20 minute follow-up telephone support calls available
Text support for 5 continuous days (3 texts per day)
Email support for 5 continuous days (1 short email per day)
FURTHER SUPPORT - Additional phone calls can be purchased at a cost of £25 per 20 minute call (post-visit).
Calls of 40+ mins or those requiring a summary report are quoted individually.
Additional emails (brief) are charged at £8 per email
Emails (longer) requiring analysis and advice after the support period are charged at between £12-£20+ dependent on time taken and the level of assistance required.
Additional texts (brief) are charged at £3 per text
Please note that all correspondence is answered between 8:30am and 7:30pm. Responses may not be immediate if consultant is with a client.
Urgent telephone calls can be taken outside of these hours but are charged at double rate
EXTRA COACHING HOURS - Additional in-home coaching hours are available, on request, and may be both recommended and extremely useful in challenging cases.
SIBLING GROUPS - For home visits, where sleep training will be parent-led, an additional charge of £80 will be levied for each same aged sibling e.g. twin, triplet or other multiple, as analysis, history and plans will usually vary for each child. For older or younger siblings, entirely separate plans will be necessary. Please contact for further information and pricing.
WEEKEND AND BANK HOLIDAY SUPPLEMENT - Weekend dates are in high demand. A £40 supplement is charged for each weekend day booked. A £50 supplement is applied to visits on bank holidays.
SHORTER VISITS - On occasion, a known client may wish to book an urgent visit or follow-up. In situations where a full 5 hour visit cannot be scheduled, separate prices will be quoted, dependent on availability. These prices will also be adjusted depending on whether or not time is available for a summary report and details will be discussed on a case by case basis.
These packages are intended for parents wishing to address behavioural challenges that are largely unconnected with sleep. Visits are conducted during the day and are very useful for issues such as defiance, sibling rivalry, tantrums, biting, socialisation problems, establishing routines, aggressive behaviour, jealousy etc.
Help for problems specifically involving eating, weaning and food refusal are dealt with in the Weaning and Eating packages rather than in Behavioural Management.
Package 1 - Telephone Consultation - £195 - £275
Information gathering
Having talked with you initially, I will send you a questionnaire, in order to get a clearer picture of the issue. Depending on the problem, I may also ask you to complete a ‘family diary’ for 2-3 days. This will help me pinpoint areas to explore in more detail during our consultation. Once this information is returned, we can schedule a convenient time to talk.
One-to-one time - A telephone consultation of between 1.5-2 hours
During our consultation we will go over the information you have provided, and I will take a more detailed history, where required. I will give you some immediate techniques to use.
A step-by-step management plan
Following the consultation, I will devise a unique management plan, taking into account everything you have told me. Any clarification emails I send will be free of charge, as occasionally more information may be required.
Package 1 without the summary report (parents/carers take their own notes during the call) is charged at £195. With a report, this is £275.
Once you have received your plan, a 3 day support package of email or text/Whatsapp support is provided, which can be extended.
1 x 20 minute support phone call is available
Email support: 1 email per day, for 3 continuous days.
Text/Whatsapp support: 2 per day, for 3 continuous days.
Additional phone calls can be purchased at a cost of £25 per 20 minute call (post-visit).
Calls of 40+ mins or those requiring a summary report are quoted individually.
Additional emails are charged at £8 per email
Emails (longer) requiring analysis and advice after the support period are charged at between £12-£20+ dependent on time taken and the level of assistance required.
Additional texts (brief) are charged at £3 per text
All correspondence is answered between 8:30am and 7:30pm. Responses may not be immediate if consultant is with a client.
Urgent telephone calls can be taken outside of these hours but are charged at double rate.
Information gathering
Having already been in touch to discuss the basics, I will send you a questionnaire, in order to get a clearer picture of the issue. Depending on the problem, I may also ask you to complete a ‘family diary’ for 2-3 days. This will help me pinpoint areas to explore in more detail during our consultation. Once this information is returned, a follow-up call will be made to arrange a convenient time for a home visit
One-to-one time – A 5 hour consultation and coaching visit
The aim during this time is to talk and coach you through effective strategies, demonstrating and discussing techniques and expected responses. There will be the opportunity to discuss issues in private but also to spend time with the family during a normal day and potentially observe the unwanted behaviour first hand, then model and guide you through handling it.
Extra hours can be arranged at a cost of £30ph
A 3 day support package of email or text/Whatsapp support is provided, which can be extended.
1 x 30 minute support call available
Additional coaching visits and home support can be arranged if wished at an agreed price and will be billed separately.
Email support: 1 email per day, for 3 continuous days.
Text/Whatsapp support: 2 per day, for 3 continuous days.
Additional phone calls can be purchased at a cost of £25 per 20 minute call (post-visit).
Calls of 40+ mins or those requiring a summary report are quoted individually.
Additional emails are charged at £8 per email
Emails (longer) requiring analysis and advice after the support period are charged at between £12-£20+ dependent on time taken and the level of assistance required.
Additional texts (brief) are charged at £3 per text
EXTRA COACHING HOURS - Additional in-home coaching hours are available, on request, and may be both recommended and extremely useful in challenging cases.
SIBLING GROUPS - For home visits, an additional charge of £80 will be levied for each same aged sibling e.g. twin, triplet or other multiple, as analysis, history and plans will usually vary for each child. For older or younger siblings, entirely separate plans will be necessary. Please contact for further information and pricing.
WEEKEND AND BANK HOLIDAY SUPPLEMENT - Weekend dates are in high demand. A £40 supplement is charged for each weekend day booked. A £50 supplement is applied to visits on bank holidays.
All correspondence is answered between 8:30am and 7:30pm. Responses may not be immediate if consultant is with a client.
Urgent telephone calls can be taken outside of these hours but are charged at double rate
Package 3 -IN-HOME CONSULTATION AND COACHING AFter-SchoOl visit or school/nursery OBSERVATION 3hrs
This option incorporates the information gathering and consultation elements of the option above, fitting this in, in a more truncated fashion after school, when a weekend visit is not possible, or in addition to a weekend visit in order to optimise progress. This time could also be used for a school, nursery or other care setting observation, if the setting agrees.
A 3 day support package of email or text/Whatsapp support is provided, which can be extended.
1 x 30 minute support call available
Additional coaching visits, home support or full days can be arranged if wished at an agreed price and will be billed separately.
Email support: 1 email per day, for 5 continuous days.
Text/Whatsapp support: 3 per day, for 5 continuous days.
Additional phone calls can be purchased at a cost of £25 per 20 minute call (post-visit).
Calls of 40+ mins or those requiring a summary report are quoted individually.
Additional emails are charged at £8 per email
Emails (longer) requiring analysis and advice after the support period are charged at between £12-£20+ dependent on time taken and the level of assistance required.
Additional texts (brief) are charged at £3 per text
EXTRA COACHING HOURS - Additional in-home coaching hours are available, on request, and may be both recommended and extremely useful in challenging cases.
SIBLING GROUPS - For home visits, an additional charge of £80 will be levied for each same aged sibling e.g. twin, triplet or other multiple, as analysis, history and plans will usually vary for each child. For older or younger siblings, entirely separate plans will be necessary. Please contact for further information and pricing.
WEEKEND AND BANK HOLIDAY SUPPLEMENT - Weekend dates are in high demand. A £40 supplement is charged for each weekend day booked. A £50 supplement is applied to visits on bank holidays.
All correspondence is answered between 8:30am and 7:30pm. Responses may not be immediate if consultant is with a client.
Urgent telephone calls can be taken outside of these hours but are charged at double rate
24 hour visits or longer stays can be arranged when required.
These may be particularly useful if day time behaviour is spilling over into or affecting the night, if the issue is of long standing and is particularly complex or if several issues need to be addressed and resolved.
Please enquire for further details.
Package 1 - Telephone Consultation - £195
Initial phone call (20 mins.)
Questionnaire for home completion
A 2 hour phone call to analyse what is happening, explore why, and discuss effective strategies, techniques, tweaks and routine changes to tackle the problem.
N.B. No summary report or written analysis is provided with this package.
Package 2 - Telephone Consultation, Report and Support - £275
Initial phone call (20 mins.)
Questionnaire for home completion
A 2 hour phone call to analyse what is happening, explore why, and discuss effective strategies, techniques, tweaks and routine changes to tackle the problem.
A written synopsis of the call with further advice and suggestions.
A 3 day package of email/WhatsApp/text support.
Email support: 1 per day for 3 continuous days.
Text/WhatsApp support: 2 per day for 3 continuous days.
Additional phone calls can be purchased at a cost of £25 per 20 minute call (post-visit).
Calls of 40+ mins or those requiring a summary report are quoted individually.
Additional emails are charged at £8 per email.
Emails (longer) requiring analysis and advice after the support period are charged at between £12-£20+ dependent on time taken and the level of assistance required.
Additional texts (brief) are charged at £3 per text
All correspondence is answered between 8:30am and 7:30pm. Responses may not be immediate if consultant is with a client.
Urgent telephone calls can be taken outside of these hours but are charged at double rate.
Initial phone call (20 mins.)
Questionnaire for home completion
A 5 hour consultation in your home to observe, discuss and analyse the issue and guide you in resolving it.. During this time you will be reassured, supported, advised and coached.
A written step-by-step plan and report (post-visit).
1 x 20 minute phone calls available to support you as you follow the advice given.
A 3 day package of email/WhatsApp/text support.
Email support: 1 per day for 3 continuous days.
Text/WhatsApp support: 2 per day for 3 continuous days.
Additional phone calls can be purchased at a cost of £25 per 20 minute call (post-visit).
Calls of 40+ mins or those requiring a summary report are quoted individually.
Additional emails are charged at £8 per email.
Emails (longer) requiring analysis and advice after the support period are charged at between £12-£20+ dependent on time taken and the level of assistance required.
Additional texts (brief) are charged at £3 per text
EXTRA COACHING HOURS - Additional in-home coaching hours are available, on request, and may be both recommended and extremely useful in challenging cases.
SIBLING GROUPS - For home visits, an additional charge of £80 will be levied for each same aged sibling e.g. twin, triplet or other multiple, as analysis, history and plans will usually vary for each child. For older or younger siblings, entirely separate plans will be necessary. Please contact for further information and pricing.
WEEKEND AND BANK HOLIDAY SUPPLEMENT - Weekend dates are in high demand. A £40 supplement is charged for each weekend day booked. A £50 supplement is applied to visits on bank holidays.
All correspondence is answered between 8:30am and 7:30pm. Responses may not be immediate if consultant is with a client.
Urgent telephone calls can be taken outside of these hours but are charged at double rate.
Initial phone call (20 mins.)
Questionnaire for home completion
A 10 hour home visit to consult, observe, identify and devise a solution for your issue. During this time you will be advised, reassured, coached and guided through effective strategies and routines and then supported post-visit.
A written step-by-step plan and report.
2 x 20 minute phone calls available to support you as you follow the advice given.
A 4 day package of email/WhatsApp/text support.
Email support: 1 per day for 4 continuous days.
Text/WhatsApp support: 2 per day for 4 continuous days.
Additional phone calls can be purchased at a cost of £25 per 20 minute call (post-visit).
Calls of 40+ mins or those requiring a summary report are quoted individually.
Additional emails are charged at £8 per email.
Emails (longer) requiring analysis and advice after the support period are charged at between £12-£20+ dependent on time taken and the level of assistance required.
Additional texts (brief) are charged at £3 per text
EXTRA COACHING HOURS - Additional in-home coaching hours are available, on request, and may be both recommended and extremely useful in challenging cases.
SIBLING GROUPS - For home visits, an additional charge of £80 will be levied for each same aged sibling e.g. twin, triplet or other multiple, as analysis, history and plans will usually vary for each child. For older or younger siblings, entirely separate plans will be necessary. Please contact for further information and pricing.
WEEKEND AND BANK HOLIDAY SUPPLEMENT - Weekend dates are in high demand. A £40 supplement is charged for each weekend day booked. A £50 supplement is applied to visits on bank holidays.
All correspondence is answered between 8:30am and 7:30pm. Responses may not be immediate if consultant is with a client.
Urgent telephone calls can be taken outside of these hours but are charged at double rate.
Package 4 can be extended to 24 hours or over several days, if required. This service is provided on a case-by-case basis and at a cost dependent on requirements.
EFR Care for Children course - price on request
Price includes course material (manual), use of first aid and CPR training equipment, test paper and certification.
Teaching on an individual basis or in groups of up to 6.
Single client supplement required.
EFR Primary Care for adults - price on request
Price includes course materials, use of training equipment, test and certification.
Teaching on an individual basis (supplemental charge) or in groups of up to 6.
EFR Secondary Care for adults - available as an addition to the Primary course, and to be recommended for safe practice - price on request
Price includes course materials, use of training equipment, test and certification.
Teaching on an individual basis or in groups of up to 6.
Initial phone call (10-15 mins.)
Family food diary and questionnaire for home completion
45 minute telephone call and advice
(Not including a written report)
Initial phone call (15-20 mins.)
Family food diary and questionnaire for home completion
1.5-2 hour telephone call and advice
Including a written synopsis of advice and recommendations - £275
Without report (client taking their own notes) - £195
A 3 day package of email/WhatsApp/text support.
Email support: 1 per day for 3 continuous days.
Text/WhatsApp support: 2 per day for 3 continuous days.
Additional phone calls can be purchased at a cost of £25 per 20 minute call (post-visit).
Calls of 40+ mins or those requiring a summary report are quoted individually.
Additional emails are charged at £8 per email.
Emails (longer) requiring analysis and advice after the support period are charged at between £12-£20+ dependent on time taken and the level of assistance required.
Additional texts (brief) are charged at £3 per text.
All correspondence is answered between 8:30am and 7:30pm. Responses may not be immediate if consultant is with a client.
Urgent telephone calls can be taken outside of these hours but are charged at double rate.
Initial phone call (15-20 mins.)
Family food diary and questionnaire for home completion
5 hour home visit (to include a meal/feeding time) to discuss, observe and advise.
Written plan and advice
1 x 20 minute follow-up phone call available
A 3 day package of email/WhatsApp/text support.
An additional 2 hours are available to add to this package. The 8hr package is available at a cost of £495.
Email support: 1 per day for 3 continuous days.
Text/WhatsApp support: 3 per day for 3 continuous days.
Additional phone calls can be purchased at a cost of £25 per 20 minute call (post-visit).
Calls of 40+ mins or those requiring a summary report are quoted individually.
Additional emails are charged at £8 per email.
mails (longer) requiring analysis and advice after the support period are charged at between £12-£20+ dependent on time taken and the level of assistance required.
Additional texts (brief) are charged at £3 per text
EXTRA COACHING HOURS - Additional in-home coaching hours are available, on request, and may be both recommended and extremely useful in challenging cases.
WEEKEND AND BANK HOLIDAY SUPPLEMENT - Weekend dates are in high demand. A £40 supplement is charged for each weekend day booked. A £50 supplement is applied to visits on bank holidays.
All correspondence is answered between 8:30am and 7:30pm. Responses may not be immediate if consultant is with a client.
Urgent telephone calls can be taken outside of these hours but are charged at double rate.
Initial phone call (15-20 mins.)
Family food diary and questionnaire for home completion
10 hour home visit (to include a meal/feeding time) to discuss, observe and advise, prepare a meal and coach.
Written plan and advice
1 x 30 minute follow-up phone call available
A 3 day package of email/WhatsApp/text support.
Email support: 1 per day for 3 continuous days.
Text/WhatsApp support: 2 per day for 3 continuous days.
Additional phone calls can be purchased at a cost of £25 per 20 minute call (post-visit).
Calls of 40+ mins or those requiring a summary report are quoted individually.
Additional emails are charged at £8 per email.
mails (longer) requiring analysis and advice after the support period are charged at between £12-£20+ dependent on time taken and the level of assistance required.
Additional texts (brief) are charged at £3 per text
EXTRA COACHING HOURS - Additional in-home coaching hours are available, on request, and may be both recommended and extremely useful in challenging cases.
WEEKEND AND BANK HOLIDAY SUPPLEMENT - Weekend dates are in high demand. A £40 supplement is charged for each weekend day booked. A £50 supplement is applied to visits on bank holidays.
All correspondence is answered between 8:30am and 7:30pm. Responses may not be immediate if consultant is with a client.
Urgent telephone calls can be taken outside of these hours but are charged at double rate.
LONGER VISITS (1-5 days)
Longer visits can be easily arranged if more support would be helpful or if the problem is particularly complex or ingrained. Please enquire for more details.
NEW PARENTS (0-3mths)
A welcome to parenthood option of a 7 hour home visit to help you get to grips with the fundamentals and the finer points of having a new little person in your life. This can incorporate help with breastfeeding (lactation support), newborn care and hygiene, organising your day and home for a baby and help with understanding basic needs, cries and routines.
This option allows for more extensive help, friendly advice, coaching and support. Giving reassurance at bed time and through the night with extra advice on baby soothing and settling, routines and tips for the future. More time can be devoted to 'life hacks' for your new family, to create more space for rest and relaxation, and to fine tune things like baby bathing, feeding, nappy changing etc.
Many parents like the extra reassurance of booking one-to-one first aid and CPR for babies and children training. This can be delivered at home at a time to suit them and incorporates the use of a life-sized baby manikin and 'What to do if...' scenarios.
Initial phone call (10-15 mins.)
45 minute telephone call and advice
(Not including a written report)
Initial phone call (10-15 mins.)
1.5 hour telephone call and advice
Call plus written synopsis of advice and plan - £250
Call without the summary report (parents/carers take their own notes during the call) is charged at £150
Both include a 3 day package of email/WhatsApp/text support.
Email support: 1 per day for 3 continuous days.
Text/WhatsApp support: 2 per day for 3 continuous days.
Additional phone calls can be purchased at a cost of £25 per 20 minute call (post-visit).
Calls of 40+ mins or those requiring a summary report are quoted individually.
Additional emails are charged at £8 per email.
mails (longer) requiring analysis and advice after the support period are charged at between £12-£20+ dependent on time taken and the level of assistance required.
Additional texts (brief) are charged at £3 per text
All correspondence is answered between 8:30am and 7:30pm. Responses may not be immediate if consultant is with a client.
Urgent telephone calls can be taken outside of these hours but are charged at double rate.
Request a ‘Mary Poppins extraordinaire’ to accompany you on your holiday.
Caring for your children on an 11 or 24-hour basis, facilitating new experiences, lots of fun, exploration, the learning of new skills and languages, whilst keeping everybody safe.
Before your holiday a dossier will be compiled suggesting age-appropriate activities, visits, ateliers, restaurants and shops, classes and where appropriate ski schools and moniteurs. These can all be facilitated, supervised and organised once at your destination. Parents can be as hands-on or hands-off as they would like, both enjoying time alone or accompanied with their children, or relaxing on their own in the knowledge that their children are happy and safe having a wonderful time nearby.
Please note that travel, accommodation, insurance, visa (if required) and living expenses are the responsibility of the employing client.
PACKAGE 1 - 11 HOUR DAYS - £180 per day
Holiday/ski nanny care 11 hours per day throughout the duration of your holiday, with the option of 2 nights per week babysitting (at an additional standard hourly rate).
Activity dossier compiled
Travel days are counted as working, and parents are responsible for travelling, accommodation and living expenses.
Standard holiday nanny duties only, sleep training and troubleshooting services etc. will not be included.
Holiday/ski nanny care 24 hours per day throughout the duration of your holiday. Night-time care and monitoring provided throughout (aged 10 months and up). In loco parentis care can be provided by prior arrangement.
Activity dossier compiled.
Travel days are counted as working, and parents are responsible for travelling, accommodation and living expenses.
Standard holiday nanny duties only, sleep training and troubleshooting services etc. will not be included.